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All three Family Historian 7 templates (e.g., census, traditional, and non-traditional) are consistent with the Simple Citations model as originally designed and covered throughout this web site. Additionally, NO CHANGES were made to the "master source" citation section for all three templates - in the above example, the "master source" section is the one labeled, "Source Record." While this section is slightly different on each template, none of these deviate from the original model. As with the RootsMagic templates, fields marked with an * are REQUIRED and MUST have data entered into them..
However, the FH7 templates do contain extra features, previously not available on those designed for RootsMagic; the following explanations coincide with the numbered graphic shown above:
1. "Location" - the information in this field now draws upon the same "place/location" data locations as found elsewhere in the database. This is an enormous time saver, helps prevent data entry errors, and provides for considerably greater consistency! (This was a long requested feature that was never implemented in RootsMagic.) For example, let's say that the fact/event took place in Basking Ridge, Somerset County, New Jersey, United States. If this location has been previously used in your data, entering just a portion of the place (such as "Bas" . . .) will now display the full name - click on it and you're done!
2. "Repository (Unique Item)": This field is ONLY USED for one-of-a-kind items that are owned by a single individual or entity - thus, the qualifier "unique item." If the item (generally speaking, it usually only applies to sources that are "non-traditional") truly is unique and can't be obtained elsewhere, only two things may be entered here:
a. "Privately held by" (enter that EXACT phrase but without the quotes) if the source is owned by a single person or entity and no other copies exist anywhere in the world.
b. "Copy in possession of" (enter that EXACT phrase but without the quotes) if you have a copy of that item but the original is it is owned by a single person or entity and you have a copy if it.
NOTHING else should be entered into this field. If the source is not unique, do NOT enter anything in this field!
Why was this field included? The primary intent of any citation approach is to permit others to locate and confirm the validity of a source. Given that genealogical sources are often vastly different than other materials, in order to relocate an item, we sometimes need to know who owns it ("traditional" and "census" records are generally quite easy to find again and the information entered into other Simple Citations fields are generally more than sufficient to relocate these sources again). This field tells readers where that source was last located.
3. "Primary Repository": Similar to the "place/location" field just discussed under "Item "1", the "Primary Repository" field draws upon existing data used throughout FH7. Again, this is an enormous time saver, helps prevent data entry errors, and provides for considerably greater consistency! It needs to be noted that users should click on the little gear on the right side of the field to access existing repositories in your database. New repositories may also be added here.
The next two changes ARE NOT PART OF THE SIMPLE CITATIONS MODEL but have been included on the FH7 templates in order to be consistent with other FH7 templates and to help save time. These fields include:
4. "Assessment": This field is used to record your personal impressions about the quality or veracity of the source.
5. "Note": This field may be used to record a comment on citation-specific (not master source) about the document being cited. It is simply a time-saver so it has been included on the template.
Again, the above to items are NOT part of the Simple Citations model and have only been included for those who wish to use them and to save time. Data entered into them will NOT print with the citation. |