Blank 1950 U.S. Census Form

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1950 U.S. Census

Incorporated place or township:
Enumeration District:
Date Sheet Started:
Sheet no:

1. Name of street, avenue or road:
2. House (and apartment) number:
3. Serial number of dwelling unit:
4. Is this house on a farm (or ranch)? (Yes or No):
5. If no in item 4- Is this house on a place of three or more acres? (Yes or No):
6. Agricultural Questionnaire Number:

7. Name:
8. Relationship to head of the household:
9. Race:
10. Sex:
11. How old on last birthday:
12. Married, widowed, divorced, separated, or never married:
13. Where born:
14. If foreign born, is the person naturalized?"

15. What was this person doing most of last week--working, keeping house, or something else ? ("WK" working; "H" keeping house; "U" unable to work; "Ot" other):
16. Did this person do any work at all last week, not counting work around the house?:
17. Was this person looking for work?:
18. Even though he didn't work last week, does he have a job or business?
19. How Many Hours Did He Work Last Week?:
20a. What kind of work does the person do?:
20b. What kind of business or industry is the person in?:
20c. Class of worker ("P" private employment; "G" government employment; "O" own business; "NP" working):

Supplemental Questions: Every 5th person enumerated was asked the following questions
For All Ages

21. Was he living in this same household a year ago? (Yes/No):
22. If no in item 21. Was he living on a farm a year ago? (Yes/No):
23. If no in item 21. Was he living in this same county a year ago? (Yes/No):
24. If no in item 23. What county and state was he living in a year ago?:
24a. County. (If county unknown, enter name of place or nearest place.):
24b. State or foreign country:
25. What country were his father and mother born in?
26. What is the highest grade of school attended? (Yes/No):
27. Did he finish this grade?:
28. Attended school at any time since February 1st? (For those under 30 years of age check yes or no. For those 30 years old or over, check 30 or over):
29. If looking for work (Yes in item 17) How any weeks has he been looking for work?:
30. Last Year, in how many weeks did this person do any work at all, not counting work around the house ? (Number of weeks in 1949):

For Persons 14 years old and older

31. Income Received by this person in 1949:
31a. Last year(1949), how much money earned working as an employee for wages or salary?:
31b. Last year, how much money did he earn working his own business, profession practice or farm?:
31c. Last year, how much money did he receive from interest, dividends, veteran's allowances, pensions, rents, or other income, (aside from earnings)?:
32. If this person is a family head (see definition below) - Income received by his relatives in this household:
32a. Last year (1949), how much money did his relatives in this household earn working for wages or salary (before taxes and other deductions)?:
32b. Last year (1949), how much money did his relatives in this household earn in their own business, professional practice, or farm (net income)?:
32c. Last year, how much money did his relatives in this household receive from interest, dividends, veteran’s allowances, pensions, rents, or other income (excluding salary or wages)?:
33. If male, did he ever serve in the U.S. Armed Forces during:
33a. World War I (April 6,1917-November 11, 1918):
33b. World War II (September 16, 1940, to July 25, 1947):
33c. Any other time including present service? (Yes/No):
34. To enumerator: If worked last year (1 or more weeks in Item 30): Is there any entry in Items 20a, 20b, or 20c? If Yes: Skip to Item 36; If No: Make entries in Items 35a, 35b, and 35c.
35a. What kind of work did this person do in his last job?:
35b. What kind of business or industry did he work in?:
35c. Class of worker (P, G, O, or NP, as in Item 20c):
36. If ever married (Mar, Wd, D, or Sep in Item 12): Has this person been married more than once? (check box for Yes or No):
37. If Mar: How many years since this person was (last) married?:
If Wd: How many hears since this person was widowed?:
If D: How many years since this person was divorced?:
If Sep: How many years since this person was separated? (Enter number of years or check Less than 1 year.):
If Sep: How many years since this person was separated? (Enter number of children or None.):

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