Blank 1940 U.S. Census Form

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Blank 1940 U.S. Census Form:

1940 U.S. Census

Township or Other Division:
Incorporated Place:
Ward of City:
Block No.:
Unincorporated Place:

Supervisor’s District No.:
Enumeration District No. :
Sheet No.:
Enumerated by:
Enumerated on:

Line No.

1. Street:
2. House number:
3. # of household:
4. Rented or owned?
5. Value of home or amt. of rent:
6. Farm?:
7. Name:
8. Relationship to head of household:
A. Code:
9. Sex:
10. Color or race:
11. Age:
12. Marital Status:
13. Attended school or college since March 1, 1940:
14. Highest grade completed:
B. Code:
15. Birthplace:
C. Code:
16. Citizenship of the foreign born:
17. City of residence:
18. County:
19. State:
D. Code:
20. On a farm?:
21. Worked for private or nonemergency gov’t work on March 24-30?:
22. Worked for public emergency agency (WPA, NYA, CCC, etc.)?:
23. If not at work or public emergency work, did this person seek work?:
24. If not seeking work, did this person have a business?:
25. Engaged in housework, school, unable to work, or other?:
E. Code:
26. If 21 = yes, then number of hours worked between March 24-30, 1940:
27. If public emergency work, duration of work up to March 30, 1940 in weeks:
28. Occupation:
29. Industry:
30. Class of worker:
F. Code:
31. Number of weeks worked in 1939:
32. Income in 1939:
33. Receive more than $50 from sources other than wages or salary?:
34. Number of farm schedule:

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